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currentcurrent archaeologycurrent CONTENTS issue 284 (Vol.XXIV, No.8) | November 2013 I s s u e 2 8 4 | N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 3 current current THE UK’S BEST SELLING ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE November 2013 November 2013 Issue 284 | £4.25 Issue 284 | £4.25 E b b s f l e e t e l e p h a n t | L y m i n g e A n g l o - S a x o n h a l l | C h e d w o r t h R o m a n Vi l l a | S e c r e t t r e a s u r e s Making a Killing Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Estuary 400,000 years ago Life in the Thames Estuary 400,000 years ago UP FRONT Letters Your comments, complaints, and compliments News earliest sheepskin; Scotland’s first loch village; Europe’s oldest bog body; Britain’s earliest sheepskin; Scotland’s first loch village; Europe’s oldest bog body; Unearthing Drumhome’s lost monastery; Medieval boating on the Norfolk Broads; Converting views of Roman Norfolk; Street House’s Roman finds enhanced; Swash Channel rudder resurfaces 4 6 FEATURES THE EBBSFLEET ELEPHANT 12 Making a killing in the Thames Estuary Excavation ahead of the construction of a high-speed railway revealed a Palaeolithic elephant butchery ground, as well as the bones of a host of exotic animals that inhabited Britain some 400,000 years ago. DISCOVERING AN ANGLO-SAXON ROYAL HALL 20 Harnessing community archaeology at Lyminge Was a monumental hall unearthed beneath Lyminge village green – the largest structure of its kind found in Britain for 30 years – home to the Medieval Kings of Kent? CHEDWORTH ROMAN VILLA Life in the Cotswolds then and now Boasting a set of spectacular mosaics, this luxury residence recently reopened to the public following a major conservation project. What has this revealed about family, faith, and fine dining in the 4th century? 26 ARTEFACTS IN THE LIMELIGHT Recording Britain’s secret treasures We explore some of the more enigmatic artefacts reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme.What can these pieces add to our picture of the past? 34 20 34 26 c u r r e nt a r c h a e ol o g y Anglo-Saxon Lyminge Discovering a majestic royal hall in Kent 001_CA284_Cover_final_SC.indd 1 Relaxing with the Romans Baths, banquets, and bloodsports at Chedworth Issue 284 18/09/2013 16:35 ON THE COVER Hominins stalk their prey among the marshes of Ebbsfleet 400,000 years ago. CREDIT: Natural History Museum REGULARS Context Investigating an Iron Age tragedy at Ham Hill, Somerset 44 40 Reviews 42 The Time Team Dig Book;Reflections on the Past;The King’s Grave:the search for Richard III;The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial Sherds Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues 44 Interview 46 As one of the UK’s oldest archaeological units approaches its 40th birthday, we catch up with Oxford Archaeology’s Chief Executive Gill Hey about the latest in developer-led archaeology. Odd Socs The Branch Line Society 50 2 current archaeology | November 2013 | November 2013 |
page 3 visit us online at WELCOME Had you arrived 400,000 years ago, the Thames Estuary would offer a world-class safari. Lions, rhinos, monkeys, and elephants all quenched their thirst near what is now Ebbsfleet. Some never left. One massive bull elephant was brought down by a pack of particularly dangerous predators. As well as daring to take on the massive, 4m-high beast, these hunters picked its carcass clean with flints that they discarded at the scene. This butchery site reveals a rare glimpse of Palaeolithic hominin activity in Britain. these hunters picked its carcass clean with flints that they discarded at the scene. A magnificent Anglo-Saxon hall discovered at Lyminge in Kent would have hosted more refined dining. One of the star finds of 2012, the royal hall is the first of its kind to be dug for a generation. The Kings of Kent, possibly even King Aethelbert himself, may well have been entertained beneath its roof. Of course, the Romans also knew how to have a good time. Recent work at the sumptuous Chedworth villa has shed new light on life within its walls. As well as appeasing the gods, visitors could relax in the baths, enjoy fine dining, or select a spear from the arsenal of hunting weapons and ape their Palaeolithic predecessors. Finds being recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme also reveal pursuits both pleasurable and pious. We cast an eye over some fascinating artefacts that demonstrate just how fluid function and meaning can be over time. Finally, this month our sister-magazine Current World Archaeology celebrates a decade of bringing us the latest digs and discoveries from around the globe. Meanwhile, Oxford Archaeology, one of the UK’s first archaeological units, turns 40. Happy birthday both! Our contributors this month MAKING A KILLING FRANCIS WENBAN-SMITH Dr Wenban-Smith is Principal Research Fellow in the Dept of Archaeology, University of Southampton. Specialising in the Palaeolithic and Pleistocene, he has a particular interest in Neanderthal colonisation of Britain, and the lithic technology of early hominins. DISCOVERING AN ANGLOSAXON ROYAL HALL ALEXANDRA KNOX Dr Knox is the postdoctoral research assistant on the Lyminge Archaeological Project. Her involvement began back in 2008 as a PhD student of Anglo-Saxon archaeology at the University of Reading. ARTEFACTS IN THE LIMELIGHT ROB COLLINS Dr Collins is the Finds Liaison Officer in North East England for the PAS, based at the Great North Museum in Newcastle. He also has an enduring (but unhealthy) interest in Roman frontiers. | Issue 284 archaeologycurrent Editorial Editor: Dr Matthew Symonds Tel: 020 8819 5580 Contributing editor: Christopher Catling Art editor: Mark Edwards Designer: Justine Middleton Assistant Editor: Carly Hilts Sub editor: Simon Coppock Editor-in-chief: Andrew Selkirk 9 Nassington Road, London NW3 2TX Tel: 020 8819 5584 Managing director: Robert Selkirk Commercial Advertising sales: Mike Traylen Tel: 020 8819 5360 Production manager: Maria Earle Marketing manager: Emma Watts-Plumpkin Tel: 020 8819 5575 Commercial director: Libby Selkirk Current Publishing Lamb House, Church Street, London W4 2PD Tel: 020 8819 5580 (office hours) Fax: 020 8819 5589 Web: Subscriptions Current Archaeology is published monthly for a subscription of £44 for 12 issues. Foreign subscriptions £54. Subscriptions should be sent to: Current Publishing, Lamb House, Church Street, London W4 2PD Tel: (office hours) 020 8819 5580 Fax: 020 8819 5589 Subscription queries to: or online at: Back issues: £5 each / £6 non-UK Binders: (hold 12 copies) £15 / £20 Slip Cases: (hold 12 copies) £15 / £20 Printed in the UK by William Gibbons Unauthorised reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written permission. The publisher, editor and authors accept no responsibility in respect of any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue. Every effort has been made to secure permission for copyright material. In the event of any material being used inadvertently or where it has proved impossible to trace the copyright owner, acknowledgement will be made in a future issue. 180913170 | current archaeology 3

currentcurrent archaeologycurrent

CONTENTS issue 284

(Vol.XXIV, No.8) | November 2013

I s s u e

2 8 4 |

N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

current current


November 2013

November 2013

Issue 284 | £4.25

Issue 284 | £4.25

E b b s f l e e t e l e p h a n t | L y m i n g e A n g l o - S a x o n h a l l |

C h e d w o r t h R o m a n

Vi l l a | S e c r e t t r e a s u r e s

Making a Killing

Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames Life in the Thames

Life in the Thames Estuary 400,000 years ago

Life in the Thames Estuary 400,000 years ago



Your comments, complaints, and compliments

News earliest sheepskin; Scotland’s first loch village; Europe’s oldest bog body;

Britain’s earliest sheepskin; Scotland’s first loch village; Europe’s oldest bog body; Unearthing Drumhome’s lost monastery; Medieval boating on the Norfolk Broads; Converting views of Roman Norfolk; Street House’s Roman finds enhanced; Swash Channel rudder resurfaces






Making a killing in the Thames Estuary Excavation ahead of the construction of a high-speed railway revealed a Palaeolithic elephant butchery ground, as well as the bones of a host of exotic animals that inhabited Britain some 400,000 years ago.

DISCOVERING AN ANGLO-SAXON ROYAL HALL 20 Harnessing community archaeology at Lyminge Was a monumental hall unearthed beneath Lyminge village green – the largest structure of its kind found in Britain for 30 years – home to the Medieval Kings of Kent?


Life in the Cotswolds then and now Boasting a set of spectacular mosaics, this luxury residence recently reopened to the public following a major conservation project. What has this revealed about family, faith, and fine dining in the 4th century?



Recording Britain’s secret treasures We explore some of the more enigmatic artefacts reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme.What can these pieces add to our picture of the past?





c u r r e nt a r c h a e ol o g y

Anglo-Saxon Lyminge

Discovering a majestic royal hall in Kent

001_CA284_Cover_final_SC.indd 1

Relaxing with the Romans Baths, banquets, and bloodsports at Chedworth

Issue 284

18/09/2013 16:35

ON THE COVER Hominins stalk their prey among the marshes of Ebbsfleet 400,000 years ago.

CREDIT: Natural History Museum



Investigating an Iron Age tragedy at Ham Hill, Somerset





The Time Team Dig Book;Reflections on the Past;The King’s Grave:the search for Richard III;The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial


Chris Catling’s irreverent take on heritage issues




As one of the UK’s oldest archaeological units approaches its 40th birthday, we catch up with Oxford Archaeology’s Chief Executive Gill Hey about the latest in developer-led archaeology.

Odd Socs

The Branch Line Society



current archaeology |

November 2013 |

November 2013 |

My Bookmarks

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